Birthday Sign
Your Mighty Mariner will love coming to school and seeing their very own personalized happy birthday yard sign in front of school! The sign will be single-sided, color, and 28in x 26in. Message will have your student's first name and last initial


Your Mighty Mariner will love coming to school and seeing their very own personalized happy birthday yard sign in front of school! You may have noticed these awesome signs throughout the 2023-2024 school year near the blue anchor out front and now is your chance to snag one for your student to be displayed on their special day next school year (2024-2025).

The sign will be single-sided, color, and 28in x 26in.
Message will have your student's first name and last initial

It will be displayed for the week of their birthday on school grounds. At the end of the week they will be able to take the sign home. Summer Birthdays are welcome to celebrate their Half-Year birthdays.

** You will receive an email asking for your student's name and birthday after your purchase **

(All signs are ordered in bulk in June for the upcoming school year)