How to Carpool

We're not going to lie; the carpool lane can be quite intimidating your first few times through. The following are some basics on "how to carpool" without harming yourself or somebody else.


General Reminders


  • Always cross the street where designated crosswalks are provided. There is a crossing guard stationed at Frankford and Campbell roads to assist walkers

  • Cars may only park in the parking lots. Do not leave your parked car in the carpool or bus lane during arrival and dismissal

  • 4th and 5th grade Safety Patrol representatives will help open doors for students. Drivers should stay in the car. Students should enter and exit cars from the side closest to the sidewalk

  • No “car-hopping” - please stay in line!

  • We are a school zone. No cell phones in carpool, please!

  • Our carpool procedures are in place for efficiency, and most importantly, student safety. We appreciate your patience in the carpool lane and your assistance in modeling appropriate carpool etiquette.