Apex will kick off this year on Monday, October 3rd with a Pep Rally at school. Your student will come home from the pep rally with a flyer that will include all of the information to start your individual fundraising efforts.


Our Apex Obstacle Course event fundraiser and leadership program kicks off on October 3rd. Apex is a local company that provides a fun 2-week program where students will learn about important leadership habits and good character traits.


Each day, the Apex team will visit each and every classroom for a few minutes and teach the students a daily leadership lesson, acknowledge awesome leadership behavior, and reward students. This is a great time for teachers to sit back, enjoy the program, and encourage their students. One of the most important elements of the program is redirecting the attention of the children back to the teacher with the leadership lesson for the day.  



Fearless, Adapt, Care, Talk’em Up, Original, Realize


Once our 7 daily lessons are complete, we get to celebrate all of the hardwork and dedication of our efforts with an Obstacle Course event on Friday, October 14th. All students, regardless of fundraising efforts, will participate in the daily lessons AND the obstacle course. It's a win-win for everyone at Rose Haggar! All of the proceeds raised through these programs remain at our school and fund budget items for our entire campus to enjoy, such as, field trips for all students, recess equipment, brag tags, teacher grants, classroom supplies, and our newest endeavor, Happy Camper. And let's not forget our fun social events that are also funded through these programs, the Fall Festival and Spring Fling!


You are encouraged to invite family and friends via email to donate to support your student in their obstacle course challenge. Online donations can be collected from October 3rd through October 14th. The obstacle course event will take place during each grade level's Specials schedule on Friday, October 14th.


If you're available to volunteer and help us on event day, please sign up through this link after logging into your PISD Voly account:  https://plano.voly.org/opportunity/view.html?id=74123


October 14th
The Apex Obstacle Course

We love the amazing leadership and character building portion of the Apex program as it focuses on developing student self-control and interpersonal skills that are vital for school and life success.



  • How can students get pledges?
    Parents can help connect students to potential sponsors like family and friends. Pledges should be entered online at www.MyApexEvent.com using the unique access code located on the front of each students Apex pledge kit.
  • My student didn’t receive a pledge kit or an access code? What should I do?
    You can talk to your teacher and an Apex team member will add the student to the Apex system, generate an access code and give the student a pledge kit to bring home.

  • Can students receive an award for flat donations?
    Yes! All flat donations count toward pledges and are rounded by 30 (the average student will complete 30 obstacles). So, a $30 donation is the same as $1 per obstacle. A $60 donation is the same as $2 per obstacle, etc.

  • What if families don’t have access to the Internet?
    No problem! Parents and families can use the back of the Apex pledge kit to record all pledges. Students should turn their Apex pledge kit, along with their check/cash into their teacher and an Apex team member will ensure the pledge is recorded.

  • Will my student really complete 36 obstacles?
    Yes, even kindergartners! Students will run for 20 mins around the Apex Obstacle Course which challenges students with 6 fun obstacles as they make their way around the track. The maximum amount of obstacles recorded is 36 which equals 6 laps.

  • What do we do with pledges if students miss the Obstacle Course event?
    If any student is absent, sick or hurt, they will receive an automatic 30 obstacles in the Apex system. This will allow sponsors to pay their donations if they still wish to help our school. For all top prizes ($30 & $50 per obstacle), students will need to run at least 26 obstacles and collect the funds before being awarded those prizes.


Volunteers Needed!



We are looking for parent volunteers per grade level to come help us on our Apex Obstacle Course Event Day. Each grade level will go through the obstacle course during their Specials time on Friday, October 14th.


You will be helping the Apex staff supervise and monitor the different obstacles and encourage students to continue completing laps through the course. You are welcome to volunteer for more than one grade level but you will need to be available the entire "shift." This will be an outdoor event so dress for the weather and come ready to cheer on our students as they reach their goals! Feel free to dress in orange and blue (the Apex colors) to show your school spirit!


If this is your first time (this school year) to volunteer on campus, please bring your drivers license with you as you check in at the front office for your Volunteer badge. You will have to register at Voly.org and complete a PISD volunteer application prior to volunteering at the event.


Here is the Specials schedule for each grade level. Please arrive 15-minutes prior and plan to stay the entire time.


3rd Grade: 7:55 - 8:45 AM
Kindergarten: 8:50 - 9:40 AM
1st Grade: 9:50 - 10:40 AM
2nd Grade: 10:45 - 11:35 AM
(TBA: Pre-K: 11:20 - 11:45 AM)
4th Grade: 12:50 - 1:40 PM
5th Grade: 1:45 - 2:35 PM


Check the PTA's Facebook page often for daily updates through the Apex program:  www.facebook.com/RoseHaggarPTA


Let's Go Mighty Mariners!!!